P-05-1075 Don't impose a 15 person limit on organised indoor activities, such as swimming lessons and fitness classes, after firebreak lockdown


This petition was submitted by Sean McCue having collected a total of 2,394 signatures.


Text of Petition:                      

Activity and sport is part of the solution to Covid. This country is losing the fight with obesity and increasing potential for wider mental health issues in the population and physical activity needs to be classed as an essential service


Limiting numbers causes sessions to be spread out across a normal timetable of venue availability and limits the number of sessions available to an individual


This also has a financial impact on Community Amateur Sports Clubs.


Additional Information:

Even though the Be Active Grants have been accessed, community amateur sports clubs are under severe financial pressures.


After limiting the indoor clubs to 30, reducing this further to 15 may force CASC to remain closed.


Our financial obligations have remained the same like venue costs, coaches salaries and insurances.


None of these have reduced so our costs per head have increased and will inevitably now at least double once again if this 15 persons limit on indoor sports goes ahead.


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Vale of Clwyd

·         North Wales